
Get involved by becoming a member, sponsoring an event or volunteering your time.

Become a Member and Support our European Family-Friendly Events!

Upcoming event : To be announced


Any European country can be a member represented by a local Greater Vancouver Society/organization, corporation/business or individual. Please download and fill out the Membership Form 2024

and email it to

Membership Fees

Individual $25 | Society or Organization $50 | Business/Corporation $75

Membership fees will be due in January 2024. Please fill in your membership form.



1. Financial obligations

Each member country must purchase a “participation fee” which guarantees them 20 tickets for each festival at a lower price then offered at the door. The countries can recover their ticket purchase by selling them. Each exhibition and food table must have a standard sign showing the name of the country. All participants must have an entry ticket, only entertainers are allowed in free of charge in order to do their performance. We will sell these tickets to you for only $4 each, so this will be $100 at a minimum.

2. Other obligations

There are monthly meetings and each country is expected to have at least one representative attending. Participation in subcommittees or as a manager is voluntary but necessary. Subcommittee matters are generally handled over the phone or immediately prior to the general meeting.
Each country must provide volunteers for their own activities at the festival and is expected to provide volunteers to staff the doors, parking, set up and clean up etc. It is generally expected that people will pitch in with setting up and taking down the exhibits. This will consist mainly of setting up and taking down tables, keeping the site tidy and cleaning up at the end of the event.
Each country is expected to have a display in the cultural tent. Participation in the marketplace and the entertainment program is optional.

3. Services Included

  • Services provided free of charge to members. (Paid for with revenue primarily from ticket sales and sponsorships)
  • Meeting space and facilities,
  • Exhibition space, including one table in the exhibition space and two chairs in each of these areas, with some electricity available.
  • Stage, sound equipment and general support of entertainment activities,
  • Garbage removal at the festival (collection in the space used by the countries is their responsibility)
  • Tents, including setting up and removing
  • Trouble shooting services at the festival
  • Coordination of festival activities

4. Structure

The European Festival is a project of the EUROFEST BC SOCIETY, a non-profit organization. All countries in good standing are members of this committee. A $50 membership fee from an organization grants each country one vote at the AGM. Individuals may also join at $25 per membership. Corporations/businesses can join us for $75 a year, but may not vote at the AGM. Rules and regulations regarding the organization, management and finances of each festival are established by the Board and approved by the membership at our regular monthly meetings (6 times per year)- The managers of the various responsibilities are representatives from the various country participants. The main function of these task forces is to do the preliminary work in each of the areas indicated in their title, to summarize their findings and to submit suggestions to the committee for approval.