some participating Societies!

Happy Volunteers

The Alliance Française is the largest cultural network in the world with more than 800 centers in 137 countries; counting 550,000 students every year. In  Vancouver, the Alliance Française has been actively promoting interest in the French language and culture since 1904 as a non-profit cultural and educational association managed by a Board of Directors elected by its members. Its mission is to foster the appreciation of French culture through cultural events and to offer French language courses to everybody.

 Lithuanians of B.C. is a very small ethnic community experiencing a resurgence of membership and participation. The society with its Board of Directors plans about five or more community events each year and has an active Facebook page and website. As an inclusive society, the Lithuanians of BC try to make a place for diversity,  fellowship and many aspects of the Lithuanian culture.
Visitors to the Lithuanian cultural table at this year’s festival will be showcased an interactive video of the Lithuanian language. They will be able to  hear the very old and unique Lithuanian language  from native speakers and a video.

The Rancho Folclórico Cruz de Cristo is a non-profit organization that cultivates and promotes public interest, awareness, and appreciation for the traditional culture and heritage of Portugal.  The group was established over 35 years ago and consists of 54 dancers, ranging in age from 6 to 28, musicians, instructors and a Board of Directors.  The dancers perform traditional Portuguese folk dances from all regions of Portugal at cultural and church events, festivals, parades and seniors’ homes throughout the lower mainland.

The Slovenian Society is a non-profit organization established in 1958.  Their main mission is to help preserve Slovenian culture and language, and to provide a venue for their cultural and social events the Slovenian Hall, located at 5762 Sprott Street in Burnaby.  In between events, this great little hall is available to others for rent, providing a warm and intimate environment for family and dance-related functions.  Visit their website for more information:

The Spanish Association of BC was founded in 1969 as a soccer association that very quickly developed into a cultural association. It has been promoting Spanish culture since 1970  by participating in cultural events in the metro Vancouver area, establishing a  Spanish school in 1972,  holding regular dinner dances within their community  and supporting annual Spanish cinema nights.
The Spanish Association of BC participates every year in the European Festival and presents their most popular dance: Flamenco. It is not by any means the only Spanish dance but it is the most visually. appealing

The Swedish Cultural Society promotes Swedish culture by organizing and taking part in events throughout the year, such as the welcoming of spring at the Walpurgis celebration in April, the Swedish Midsummer weekend in June, the Christmas Fair in November, and the beautiful musical procession of St. Lucia in December. The society also offers language classes for children and adults along with movie nights and cooking classes for anyone interested in all things Swedish.

The Royal Society of St. George, BC holds social events throughout the year to celebrate English heritage within Canadian context.  The Society believes in supporting Canada’s links with England and especially our common allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, who is the Society’s patron and the Head of State of both the United Kingdom and Canada.  The goal is to maintain links with other British societies throughout Canada and around the world.
The Society’s members are mostly people with English roots, but people from other parts of Britain are welcome. The society encourages all people with interest in England and the UK to join as full members.

Members of the German Society mostly volunteer for the St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, and publish the blog Westcoast German News, respectively.  The main club is the Vancouver Alpenclub, which is also home of the Alpenplattlers.
The Alpen Plattlers are an enthusiastic group who enjoy German Bavarian Schuhplattler dance based in Vancouver Canada. Many of their members have been dancing since childhood having toured Germany and Austria in 2000 and 2005. Their drive is to keep Schuhplattler dance alive and have fun doing it. While what brings them together is dance, they are also a social group who enjoy doing activities together.

If you have any interest to learn more about one of the societies, or if you wish to be put in contact with the society, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to connect you!
